Systasis № 30 (2017)



Diana Sorić, Antun Vrančić's „Occasional“ Letters in the Light of the Humanistic Treatises of Letter-Writing (1–8) [pdf]

Croatian humanist, diplomat and Primate of Hungary, Antun Vrančić (1504-1573), in a period of 35 years, i.e. from 1538 to 1573, wrote about 800 letters, mostly in Latin, and only in a few cases in Italian and Hungarian. In this corpus I identified a considerable number of letters that could be called „occasional“ as they are written on some specific events or occasions, for example, letters of consolation (epistolae consolatoriae), letters of recommendation (epistolae commendaticiae), letters of petition (epistolae petitoriae), etc. Some of these letters will be examined in the context of the rules given in the theories of letter-writing of humanistic treatises ars epistolandi (especially treatise De conscribendis epistolis of Erasmus Rotterdamus, and the same named manual of Franciscus Niger) in order to determine their possible influence on composition of Vrančić's letters.

Goran Ružić, Heidegger, Plato and the Problem of Truth (ἀλήθεια – μίμησις – λόγος) (9–17) [pdf]

The subtitle of this paper’s topic suggests the conceptual frame of Heidegger's interpretation of Plato's ontology. Using the 'allegory of the cave' as an example the term ἀλήθεια (truth) is accounted for in a strong association with the term παιδεία (formation and education). The first part of the Book X of Plato's The Republic is used by Heidegger for the explication of the term μίμησις (imitation) and τέχνη (production).

Даниела Тошева, Мешаните хорови кај Хомер: Илијада XVIII: Штитот на Ахил (18–31) [pdf]

Мешаните хорови во хеленската архајска лирика се многу ретка појава; најчесто станува збор за хомогени хорови во однос на возраста и во однос на полот. Во описот на Ахиловиот штит (Хомер Ил. XVIII 478–608) се претставени дури три хорови што имаат мешана морфологија во однос на полот. Бидејќи станува збор за јавни изведби, јас ја истражувам целта на ваквите хорови во рамките на заедницата, анализирајќи го начинот на кој функционираат и комуницираат меѓу себе членовите на хорот.


Igor Eftimovski, N. Chausidis, Macedonian bronzes and the religion and mythology of Iron Age communities in the Central Balkans, CPR - Center for Prehistoric Research, Skopje 2017 (32–34) [pdf]

Даниела Тошева, George Mousourakis, Roman Law and the Origins of the Civil Law Tradition, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015. Pp. 328. ISBN 978-3-319-12267-0 ISBN 978-3-319-12268-7 (eBook) (35–38) [pdf]

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